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The Distribution of Labor and the Implementation of the Banishment Penalty in the Tang Dynasty
作者 古怡青
By studying the process of labor distribution, the involvement of officials, and the distance to the location of banishment in the Labor Decree, this article examines the implementation of the banishment penalty in the Tang Dynasty. The distance to the location of banishment did not start from the capital Chang'an but from the prisoners' residence. In principle, a prefecture (zhou) on the border would be selected as the banishment location and the dispatch was conducted along the postal service circuit. An .Appointed Envoy' (zhuanshi) and a 'High Commissioner' (fangren) acted as dispatch officials. The prisoner was not escorted all the way from his or her residence to the location of banishment but was sent to transition stations along the postal route. At every distribution, the central government sent commissioners to take turns escorting the prisoners from station to station until the prisoners reached the banishment location. The transportation of prisoners involved great responsibility and was regarded as an important part of the transportation network system in the Tang Dynasty.
起訖頁 53-90
關鍵詞 唐朝流刑差役專使防人Tang DynastyBanishment PenaltyLabor DecreeZhuanshi (Appointed Envoy)Fangren (High Commissioner)
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201712 (53期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 北魏太宗、世祖朝的繼承問題與政局
該期刊-下一篇 《太上說天妃救苦靈驗經》與永樂期的海外出使--日本天理大學所藏永樂十二年版與永樂十八年版之考察




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