成大歷史學報 Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies |
201606 (50期)期所有篇 |
- 東亞文化圈視野下朝鮮後期對澳門的認知 Late Chosŏn’s Understanding of Macau through the Perspective of the East Asian Cultural Circle
- 望見流求:從福建沿海觀測紀錄論宋元明人的臺灣認識 Sighting Liuqiu: Fujianese Knowledge of Taiwan in the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties
- 明代文人獄中經驗的書寫:以政治案件為考察核心 The Prison Writings of Ming Dynasty Intellectuals: A Study of Politically Motivated Legal Cases
- 明清文士周京生平及其入清後游幕考 A Study of the Ming-Qing Intellectual Zhou Jing and His Career as an Advisor after 1644
- 旅行書寫與跨界遊移:論竹添進一郎的漢文中國行紀 Travel Writings and Trans-boundary Movements: Takezoe Shin’ichirō’s Chinese Travel Writings on China
- 以「維新」為例論陽明學在日治臺灣的傳播現象 The Dissemination of Yangmingism in Taiwan during the Lin, Japanese Colonial Period with the Example of the Concept of Reform
- 道成肉身的政治詮釋學:丁光訓的福音書詮釋、耶穌形象及其挪用 Toward a Political Hermeneutics of Incarnation: K. H. Ting’s Interpretation of the Gospels, Images of Jesus, and Their Appropriation