佛教傳播與中國佛教國家的形成 Buddhist Transmission and Establishment of Buddhist Kingdoms in China
論萬曆年間葛寅亮的南京佛教改革 Study on Ge Yinliang's Reform on Buddhism in Nanjing during Wanli Years
晚明羅教和佛教勢力的相依與對峙--以《五部六冊》和《嘉興藏》刊刻為例 Interdependence and Rivalry between Buddhism and Luo in the late Ming Dynasty: From the Publication of 'Five Scriptures and Six Texts' and 'Jiaxing Tripitaka'
關於天主教從十六世紀至十八世紀在越南傳入與發展之初探 Initiative Research on the Christianism Introduction and Development in Vietnam during 16-18 Centuries
乙未之際的臺灣天主教--以傳教員張德潤為中心 The Catholic Church of Taiwan in 1895-The Case of Catechist Zhang Derun