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Interdependence and Rivalry between Buddhism and Luo in the late Ming Dynasty: From the Publication of 'Five Scriptures and Six Texts' and 'Jiaxing Tripitaka'
作者 陳玉女
There was a dramatic and rapid growth in new religions after the mid-Ming especially during the years of Jiaxing and Wanli. For Buddhism, these new religions had become strong rivals in attracting believers and the religious development. According to some academic documents, Luo (a new religion) and Buddhism were in a subtle relationship of co-dependence and competition. This investigation observed the social identities of the believers and contributors and also their recognitions and attitudes to religions in the publication and spreading of ”Five Scriptures and Six Texts” and ”Jiaxing Tripitaka”, which revealed and outlined the relationship between Luo and Buddhism during the late Ming. With similarities to Buddhism, the rising of Luo and its religious confusion definitely grabbed a substantial social resource from Buddhism. Some monks and nuns even became the important facilitators for the new religion. However, the rapid growth of Luo also stimulated the awakening and renaissance of Buddhism. The publication and spreading of ”Jiaxing Tripitaka” in the late Ming is one of the examples of the positive effect of their rivalry.
起訖頁 93-127
關鍵詞 佛教羅教五部六冊嘉興藏明朝BuddhismLuo-New religionFive Scriptures and Six TextsJiaxing TripitakaMing Dynasty
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201106 (40期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 論萬曆年間葛寅亮的南京佛教改革
該期刊-下一篇 關於天主教從十六世紀至十八世紀在越南傳入與發展之初探




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