東吳歷史學報 Soochow Journal of History |
201106 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 隋唐之際的割據勢力--以貴胄出身的李淵和李密為中心 The founding of authority during the transitional era from Sui to Tang: with an emphasis on Li Yuan and Li Mi
- 宋遼帝后生辰與哀喪的交聘活動--以宋真宗、遼承天太后、遼聖宗為主 The Dispatch of Song Embassies of Congratulations and Condolences to the Liao: The Cases of Song Emperor Zhenzong, Liao Empress Dowager Chengtian, and Liao Emperor Shengzong
- 清人對伊犁將軍常清施政評議 Contemporary Critique on Chang Qing's Policies in the Qing Dynasty
- 清末民初廣東大學學制之發軔 The Origins of Guangdong's Higher Education in Late Qing and Early Republican China
- 英國與武漢國民政府之漢案交涉--以英國領事報告為中心 Wuhan Regime-British Diplomatic Negotiations over Hankow Incident: An Interpretation in terms of the British Consular Archives