中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
202212 (36:4期)期所有篇 |
- 身體素養測量在運動教育研究的應用──系統性回顧 The application of physical literacy measurement in research of sport pedagogy - A systematic review
- 股四頭肌肌內效貼布貼紮對健康人下肢功能與運動表現之影響:隨機對照試驗之系統性文獻回顧 Effects of quadriceps kinesio tape on lower extremity function and performance in healthy individuals: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
- 探究國際成長曲線:臺灣的戶外探索學習處於世界舞臺中的哪個位置? Exploring the international growth curve: Where does Taiwan stand on the world stage of adventurous outdoor learning?
- 跆拳道運動表現的體、技、智──試論抑制控制之重要性 Investigations into Factors Underlying Taekwondo Performance: The role of inhibitory control
- 高血壓的非藥物治療策略:等長收縮與缺血預處理 Non-pharmacological strategy for hypertension: Isometric training and ischemic precondition
- 技擊運動選手增補β-丙胺酸影響運動表現及認知功能 Effects of β-alanine supplementation on sport performance and cognitive function in combat sports athletes
- 全身振動結合阻力運動對於高血壓患者之效用探討 The effect of whole-body vibration combined with resistance exercise on hypertensive patients
- 跳躍動作中離心階段的生物力學特性對跳躍表現之影響 Effects of biomechanics characteristics during eccentric phase of jumping action on jumping performance