中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
202112 (35:4期)期所有篇 |
- 體育課師生權力互動─以微觀政治觀點探討 Power interaction between teachers and students in physical education class: A study from a micropolitical view
- 以知識體系觀點論臺灣原住民族體育知識之內涵 Discussion on the essence of the knowledge of physical education of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples from the perspective of knowledge system
- 知彼知己,百戰不殆:數據科學應用於棒球情蒐與技戰術分析 "Know thyself, know thy enemy, a thousand battles, a thousand victories- the data science in baseball intelligence gathering for technical and tactical analysis"
- 缺血預處理對有氧耐力表現之影響 The effects of ischemic preconditioning on aerobic endurance performance
- 有氧運動與高糖餐後動脈硬化之探討 The effect of aerobic exercise on postprandial hyperglycemia-induced arterial stiffening
- 大學校院學生運動員運動心理素養模組探究 A preliminary study on the sports psychological literacy of college student athletes
- 青少年靜態行為與身心健康之文獻回顧 A review of sendentary behavior and health in adolescents