中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
202012 (34:4期)期所有篇 |
- 籃球競賽數據分析之探討 A study of basketball analytics
- 國際運動賽事衝擊面面觀──在地永續的觀點 An analysis for assessing the impact of international sport events: From the perspective of local sustainable development
- 水中運動對增進停經後婦女骨質密度與心血管健康之影響 Effect of aquatic exercise on improving bone density and cardiovascular health of postmenopausal women
- 兒童與青少年聽覺障礙者平衡能力之探究 Balance ability of children and adolescents with hearing impairment
- 走向體育課必修年代──試論民初國術教育的推行與定位 Towards the era of a required physical education course: On the implementation and position of martial arts education in the early Republic of China
- 40+競技桌球銜接技術對高水準運動員戰術發揮的影響 The impact of 40+ competitive table tennis connecting techniques on the tactics of high-level athletes