中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201512 (29:4期)期所有篇 |
- 體育課教室生態之探討 Research of ecology of physical education
- 職前體育教師實施理解式教學之探討 The literature review of the implementation of teaching games for understanding by pre-service physical education teachers
- 兩岸中小學健康與體育領域師資培育課程與教師資格制度之比較 Compared with the school health and physical education teacher education system and teachers' qualifications policy on both strait
- 輪椅籃球運動介紹及選手核心肌群訓練 Introduction to wheelchair basketball and core strength training
- 鐵人三項完賽之技術實踐經驗論敘 A discourse on skill practice experience of completed-oriented triathlon competition
- 成年人動態交通行為、身體活動與健康之探討 Active transportation, physical activity and health outcome among adults
- 運動對阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症引發心臟功能損傷之影響:鈉氫離子交換蛋白的角色 The effect of exercise on cardiac damage induced by obstructive sleep apnoea: The role of sodium hydrogen exchanger
- 僵直性脊椎炎患者之運動策略與效益 The strategies and benefits of exercise participation for ankylosing spondylitis patients
- 有效運動意象腳本之發展與應用 Developing and applying effective imagery scripts in sport
- 美國網球體能檢測系統與實務之應用 The United States tennis fitness testing system and practical application
- 編者的話 編者的話