中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201412 (28:4期)期所有篇 |
- 大專院校適應體育課程實施情形 Adapted physical education curriculum implementation in college
- 運動對老年人腦氧合功能及認知功能的影響 Effects of exercise on cerebral oxygenation and cognitive function in elderly
- 動態核心運動對呼吸肌訓練效果之探討 The benefits of dynamic core exercise for respiratory muscle training
- 友善運動環境營造對身體活動與肥胖防治之探討 Constructing friendly built environment for physical activity promotion and Obesity Prevention
- 以社會資本觀點論非營利體育運動組織之價值 Assessing the value of non-profit sport organization from the point of view of social capital
- 中介效果分析在體育運動研究的應用現況探討 The application of mediation testing in physical education and sport research in Taiwan
- 學習多種動作技能的練習安排:情境干擾效應與自我控制 Practice scheduling for learning several motor skills: Contextual interference effect and self-control
- 重要他人塑造運動動機氣候之探討 Significant others’ shaped motivational climate in sport
- 棒球與快速壘球投球動作之差異 The difference between baseball and softball pitching techniques
- 臺灣與紐西蘭區域少棒聯盟之發展現況比較 The comparison of U12 baseball development in the region of Auckland New Zealand and New Taipei City Taiwan