教育經營與管理研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management |
201401 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 臺英校園霸凌防制政策之比較分析:教育法之觀點 School Bullying Prevention Policies in England and Taiwan: From the Perspective of Education Law
- 臺中市高中學生學習自我效能量表的測量與現況分析 The Measurement and Current States for Senior High School Student Learning Self Efficacy
- 國民中小學師資培育教育專業標準之建構 Developing a Profession Competence Indicator System for Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education in National University of Tainan1
- 高雄市偏鄉小學教師內部行銷與組織承諾關係之研究 A Study of the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Organizational Commitment for Remote Elementary School Teacher in Kaohsiung City
- 國中生心理健康影響因素之多層次分析 Multilevel Analysis of the Factors in the Mental Health of Junior High School Students
- 我國學校多元文化教育評量工具發展與內涵之初探 A Preliminary Study of Multicultural Education Instrumentation in Schools in Taiwan-A Review and Prospect