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A Study of the Relationship between Internal Marketing and Organizational Commitment for Remote Elementary School Teacher in Kaohsiung City
作者 楊瑞霞丁學勤 (Ting, Shueh-Chin)
本研究在探究高雄市不同背景的偏鄉小學教師,其內部行銷知覺與組織承諾是否有所差異,以及內部行銷對教師態度性組織承諾與交換性組織承諾的影響。本研究以高雄市內所有偏鄉小學47 所學校為主,抽取教師共235 人作為本研究之樣本,經研究結果發現:男性教師在內部行銷知覺之內部溝通上顯著高於女性教師;服務年資16 年的偏鄉小學教師,其內部行銷知覺之管理支持、激勵獎酬與教育訓練上顯著較高,且在態度性組織承諾和交換性組織承諾上,皆顯著高於年資5 年以下與6-10年之教師;兼主任的教師,其內部行銷作為之內部溝通和態度性組織承諾顯著高於兼組長的教師;內部行銷知覺中的激勵獎酬、內部溝通與教育訓練,有助於教師態度性組織承諾的提升;內部行銷知覺中的激勵獎酬與內部溝通構面,對教師交換性組織承諾有正向影響。
This study aims to research how different the elementary school’s teachers of remote areas with diverse backgrounds are in the perception of the internal marketing and organizational commitment. This study focuses on the 47 elementary schools of the remote areas within the city, randomly selecting 235 teachers to be the samples of this study. And according to this research, it is found that: In terms of the internal communication in the internal marketing perception, male teachers are significantly better than female teachers.
In terms of the management, support, encouragement, rewards, and educational training of the internal marketing perception, the elementary school teachers in remote areas who have served over 16 years are remarkably better than others. In addition, in terms of the organizational commitment in attitudes and the organizational commitment in exchange, they are significantly better than the teachers serving for less than 5 years and the teachers serving for 6-10 years. In terms of the inner communication in inner sales and the organizational commitment in attitudes, the teachers with the title of a director are better than the teachers with the title of section heads. Encouragement and rewarding, internal communication and educational training in the internal marketing perception can help elevate teachers’ organizational commitment in attitudes. Encouragement and rewarding, and the internal communication in the internal marketing perception have a positive influence on teachers’ organizational commitment in exchange.
起訖頁 93-127
關鍵詞 內部行銷組織承諾學校行銷Internal marketingOrganizational commitmentSchool marketing
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 201401 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 國民中小學師資培育教育專業標準之建構
該期刊-下一篇 國中生心理健康影響因素之多層次分析




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