教育經營與管理研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management |
200701 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 教育部「2688人力資源方案」的實施狀況與前瞻——以臺南市所有國民小學為例 The implementation and prospect of the 2688 Human Resource Project: Using all the 44 elementary schools in Tainan city as examples
- WTO-GATS與跨國高等教育:以香港非本地高等教育之管理與運作為例 WTO-GATS and Transnational Higher Education: the Case of Management and Operation of Non-local Higher Education in Hong Kong
- 創造力人格特質、領導風格、組織結構與知識創新關係之研究:以成人教育機構為例 The relationship among the Creativity Personality, Leadership Styles, Organizational structure, and Knowledge Innovation: based on the examples of Adult Education Institution
- 企業顧客關係行銷概念在學校之轉化應用:以一國民中學為例 The Transformation and Application of the Enterprise Customer Relationship Marketing Concept in the School: Case Study of a Junior High School
- 國民小學校長領導能力評鑑指標與權重體系建構之研究 A Research on Elememtory School Principal' s Leadership Competence Evaluation Indicators Based on Fuzzy Delphi Technique and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
- 「規訓與懲罰」權力分析文本的二階觀察:描繪傅柯「權力系譜學」的視域圖譜 The Second-Order Observing to Power Analyzing Text About “Discipline and punish”: Portraying the horizons in Foucault' s Power Genealogies
- 教育經營研究新焦點——學校組織變革關鍵成功因素之個案研究 A new focus to the study of education management -A case study for the critical success factors of the school during organizational change