教育經營與管理研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management |
200601 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 五專升格改制學院之個案研究 A Case Study on A College Upgraded from Junior College
- 學校行政人員「潛溝通」行為探討 An Inquiry into School Administrators' Hidden Communicative Behavior
- 超越轉型領導:國民小學校長運用新轉型領導與教師對校長領導滿意度關係之研究 Beyond Transformational Leadership: The Study of the Impact of Principals' New Transformational Leadership on Teachers' Leadership Satisfaction with Principals in Elementary Schools
- 弱勢者能發言嗎——以Spivak(史碧娃克)觀點看多元文化下外籍配偶子女的教育 Can the minority speak? -the education of children of immigrant spouses in multi-cultures by Spivak' s view
- 內部行銷的核心理念及其在高等教育機構變革管理上之應用——以推動教師績效評核方案為例 The core ideas of internal marketing (IM) and the role of IM in the implementation of change management in higher education institutions-Initiating teachers' performance evaluation program as example
- 學校經營策略指標之建構——以平衡計分卡為例 Construct the Indicator of School Management Strategy Using Balanced Scorecard as an Example
- 學校組織公平對教師組織公民行為影響之研究——以信任及承諾為中介變項 The Impacts of Organizational Justice on Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Trust and Commitment as Mediators