領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201706 (18 :2 期)期所有篇 |
- 老人安寧緩和療護的需求及處置探討 Geriatric and Palliative Care for the Elderly
- 運用SWOT分析預立醫療照護諮商之推行──以某醫學中心之高齡病房為例 Using SWOT to analyze the promotion of advance care planning-an example of geriatric wards from a medical center
- 職場疲勞的概念分析 Concept Analysis of Occupational Fatigue
- 五專護理科學生特質與執業傾向之研究-以南部兩所專科學校為例 A Study of Demographic Traits and Intention of Practice Among College Nursing Students The Case of Two 5-Year Junior Colleges of Nursing in Southern Taiwan
- Parse理論照護肺挫傷合併血氣胸及多處骨折病患之護理經驗 Nursing Experiences of a Multiple Fracture Patient with Pulmonary Contusionand Hemo and Pneumothorax
- 照顧一位年輕型腦中風合併吞嚥困難之護理經驗 Nursing experience of caring for a young stroke patient with difficulties swallowing
- 運用治療性遊戲於學齡前期肺炎病童之照護經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring by Using Therapeutic Play for a Preschool Child With Pneumonia Infection
- 降低剖腹產婦女術後傷口感染率 Reducing the Postcesarean Wound Infection Rate