人文研究學報 Journal of Humanistic Studies |
200804 (42:1期)期所有篇 |
- 朱子詩文論的潛在思想--本體先於現象 Essence Goes Before Phenomenon-Apotential Thought In the Literary of Zhu-Xi
- 「欲」的道德實踐義--談王船山之「欲」觀 The Significance of Desires on Morality - On Wang Chuan-shan's Standpoint of Desires
- 聲律的實踐與示範:論唐律賦「題韻」與「題義」的互文性 Practice and Example of Rhymes : A study on Intertexuality of 'Ti - yun' and 'Ti-yi' of Lu-Fu in Dang Dynasty
- 宜蘭文化模式的制度能力與地域鑲嵌 The Institutional Ability and Local Embeddedness of Ilan's Cultural Mode
- 漢文知識的建置:臺南州內的書局發展 The Constructing of The Knowledge : The Development of Chinese Bookshops in Tainan Prefecture