從「日常生活」到「興亞聖戰」:吳漫沙通俗小說的身體消費、地誌書寫與東亞想像 From 'Daily Life' to the 'Great East Asia War'–The Body Consumption, the Topographic Representations and the Imagination of East Asia
傾聽神諭:臺灣「宣化」鸞賦的倫理向度採析 Listening to the Gods' Edifications: Ethical Dimensions of Taiwan Flying Phoenix Persuaded Rhapsodies
島田的孩子?東亞的萬次郎?--臺灣當代推理小說中的島田莊司系譜 Shimada's Children? Manjirou in East Asia?–The Genealogy of Soji Shimada in Taiwan Contemporary Mystery Novel
論王禎和〈嫁妝一牛車〉「底」字的語法功能與修辭效果 On the Syntax Function and Rhetorical Effect of Di (底) in the 'An Oxcart for Dowry' by Zhenhe Wang
論金門閩南語親屬稱謂詞前綴an35的來源及相關問題 On the Etymon of Prefix an35 of the Kinship Terminologies in Kin Men Southern Min and Related Issues