臺灣文學研究集刊 NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature |
200611 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 日、臺間的漢文關係──殖民地時期臺灣古典詩歌知識論的重構與衍異 Chinese' between Japan and Taiwan: The Reconstruction and Difference on the Epistemology of Taiwanese Chinese Classical Forms of Poetry in the Japanese Colonial Period
- 從「舊慣」到「民俗」:日本近代知識生產與殖民地臺灣的文化政治 From 'Old Customs' to 'Folklore': Modem Japanese Knowledge Production and Cultural Politics in Colonial Taiwan
- 清末百科全書中的醫學論述 The Ideas and Contents in the Section of Medicine of the 'Late Qing Encyclopedia'
- 孩童,還是青年?--葉聖陶教育小說與二○年代青春/啟蒙論述的折變 Children or Youth? Ye Shengtao's Education Fiction and the Changes in Discourses about Youth and Enlightenment during the 1920's
- 戰後初期臺灣之臺灣研究的展開:一個歷史斷裂中的延續 The Development of Taiwanese Studies in the Immediate Postwar Taiwan: Continuation within Historical Disruption
- 臺灣五十年代末到七十年代初兩種文化錯位的現代詩 Two Modernist Poetries in the Period between mid- 1950's and mid-1970's in Taiwan
- 文學的見證--對真實的追求
- 在日本出版的臺灣文學目錄 A Bibliography of Taiwan Literature in Japan