應用社會網絡分析法於IC產品設計之流程改善 IC Products Design Process Improvement Based on Social Network Analysis Applications
完成品於固定期間交貨情況下SMT生產線之績效評估 Performance Evaluation of SMT Production Lines with Fixed-Interval Deliveries of Finished Items
宅配組織之內部服務品質因子對宅配服務司機之工作滿意與服務行為之影響──路徑模型之釐清 The Effects of Internal Service Quality Factors on Sales Drivers’ Job Satisfaction and Service Behavior - The Clarification of Their Path Effects
非營利組織捐款行為、品牌認同與購買意願之研究:以喜憨兒烘焙坊為例 Research of Donation Behavior, Brand Recognition and Purchase Intention for Nonprofit Organization: Based on “Children Are Us Bakery”