中文摘要 |
研究結果按消費者有無捐款給喜憨兒基金會區隔成兩群,發現消費者中有捐款給喜憨兒基金會者,比沒捐款者較會捐款給公益團體,也較常到喜憨兒麵包餐坊消費,並對喜憨兒基金會所經營的麵包餐坊有顯著較高的購買意願。捐款行為從無到有,將改變品牌認同度中產品屬性、價位及推廣對購買意願的影響,從顯著正向關係變成無顯著關係,因此捐款行為將降低行銷工具刺激購買意願的效果。最後就相關研究結果,對非營利組織如何運用不同捐款行為進行市場區隔,並就品牌認同度及外在行銷變項提升購買意願提出建議。Nonprofit organizations in Taiwan, providing our society with diversified services, have grown extremely fast since last decade. Due to insufficient financial resources, comerical marketing is emphasized by many nonprofit organizations such as “Children Are Us Foundatation”. Especially little research is focued on the effect when brand recognition of nonprofit organization applies on purchase intention of provided goods. An empirical study utilizes questionaires to analyze important marketing decisions for “Children Are Us Bakery” brand consumers. The study identified that donation behavior has significant weakened marketing tool effect on purchase intention. Therefore, according to two groups divided by donation behavior, brand recognition and other marketing incentives will provide some commercial marketing suggestion for purchase intention provided by “Children Are Us Bakery”, one of non-profit organizations in Taiwan. |