中文摘要 |
全球物流產業模式開始進行結構性的轉變,運輸業者從單純的「運送物品」導向轉變為「服務顧客」導向甚至是拓展銷售業務的多元化服務機能,並提供個人化的宅配服務。宅配業要達到好的服務品質必須倚賴宅配司機員工,在充分而先進的資訊科技協助下,才能同時達成運輸傳遞與業務接觸的多元挑戰任務。過去的內部服務理論文獻主張,服務業組織必須營造與提供高度之內部服務品質,獲致員工之工作滿意後,才能讓其有效展現高品質之服務行為,以最終創造服務利潤價值;然而內部服務品質各子構面因子之間對於工作滿意,乃至於對最終展現服務行為的間接與直接效果之釐清,則少有學者深入探究。有鑑於宅配司機工作角色挑戰多元而富高難度,其服務場域與任務中科技介入的程度迥異於過去傳統服務業,本研究之目的意欲採用Heskett(1994)主張之服務業價值利潤鏈架構作為理論基礎,以宅配業服務司機為研究對象,實證與釐清內部服務品質各子構面因子之間對於工作滿意與服務行為的影響路徑效果。經滾雪球便利抽樣之問卷調查與PLS路徑分析檢定後,研究結果顯示:宅配組織內部服務之政策與程序、管理支持與溝通等因子,會顯著正向影響宅配服務司機之工作滿意,而其工作滿意確實會顯著正向影響其角色內與角色外之服務行為,唯令人意外的是,工具資源、團隊合作與目標之內部服務因子,並未透過工作滿意之中介,而是對於其角色外服務行為具有直接顯著正向之影響路徑。本研究成果對於理論體系上所衍生之意涵與宅配服務業之具體管理建議亦在文末有所討論。Sales Driver (SD) is crucial for the home delivery business. Equipped with modern information and communication technology devices, sales drivers are capable of delivering highly personalized delivery and selling services to the households or consumers. The theoretical foundations of Internal Service Quality area address that, in the service industry, high internal service quality within organization can lead to employee job satisfaction, which in turn induces excellent service behavior. However surprisingly, the inter-relationship between internal service quality dimensions, job satisfaction, and service behavior is still rarely investigated. This study aims to adopt the service value chain framework proposed by Heskett(1994), to empirically validate the path effects among internal service quality factors, job satisfaction, and service behavior in the context of sales drivers in the home delivery industry. Using questionnaire responses collected from conveniently snowballed samples and testing with PLS path software, the result indicated that : (1) the perceived policy and process, management support and coordination factors within the internal service quality are positively related to job satisfaction; (2) the job satisfaction is positively related to both in-role and extra-role service behavior; (3) the perceived tool and resources, teamwork and goals are directly and positively linked to extra-role service behavior. The academic and practical implications of this study are finally discussed. |