人文與社會研究學報 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies |
201404 (48:1期)期所有篇 |
- 地方政府創造公有閒置不動產公共價值之研究:以標租高雄市小港職訓場地案為例 A Study on Creating Public Value of the Idle Real Estate for Local Government:The Example of Rent of Siaogang Bureau of Employment and Vocation
- 以敬終始,徹通幽明-論唐君毅「三祭禮」之人文精神 With respect circulates, Toru through the nether――On Humanistic Spirit Tang Junyi "three rites"
- 清代「論詞絕句」論王沂孫詞探析 Analysis of the Qing Dynasty's "Jueju-style Critiques for Ci-poems" : Focusing on Wang Yi-sun's Ci
- 五四前後女性知識分子婚戀的獨立自主 Women's independence and autonomy in marriage:The case of female intellectuals during the May Fourth
- 黑格爾論有限精神上昇到上帝的認知過程 Hegel on the Cognitive Process of Finite Spirit's Elevation to God