通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201706 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 黃俊傑孟學研究之初探 A Primary Study on Chun-chieh Huang’s Mencianism Study
- 黃俊傑的中國歷史思維觀 A Study of Chun-chieh Huang’s View on Chinese Historical Thinking
- 永恆的鄉愁:黃俊傑教授通識教育理論淺析 “Eternal Nostalgia”: An Analysis of Professor Chun-chieh Huang’s General Education Theories
- 宗的生命實踐智慧與通識育價值的提升 Promoting the Value of General Education with the Practical Wisdom of Religion
- 倫理的游移─以儒家「過」的觀點,看當代企業的道德危機 The Wandering of Ethics- Examining the Moral Crises in Contemporary Enterprises Under the Concept of “Guo” in Confucianism
- 書評:黃俊傑教授《大學之理念:傳統與現代》 Book Review: The Idea of a University: Tradition and Modernity