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A Study of Chun-chieh Huang’s View on Chinese Historical Thinking
作者 張智文碧方
This paper analyzes and discusses three points in Chun-chieh Huang’s view of Chinese historical thinking. First, “It is through history that the Chinese people exist.” Huang believes that the Chinese are immersed in history and have a strong historical consciousness. They are historical people from the inside out. History pointed out a direction in life for the Chinese. The Chinese could settle themselves and discover their callings through history. Second, “immerse in historical facts and pursue the meanings of history.” According to Huang, traditional Chinese historiography stemmed from the spirit of “expounding ones ideas in writing” (liyan) in the Spring and Autumn Annals. It comes from a tradition where the classics and the annals were intertwined, where historical facts and their interpretations, as well as factual judgment and value judgment, were combined. Chinese historical thought is comprised primarily of concrete and theoretical thinking. These two modes of thinking are two sides of one coin. They are characterized by metaphor and metonymy. Third, “history is the principle of managing the world.” Huang believes that the ultimate goal of traditional Chinese historiography is to “manage the world.” The counterfactual mode of thinking, the reversibility of time, the inter-subjectivity between the past and present, the exemplary sages and saints, the tradition of faithful documentation in traditional Chinese historiography made it possible to use history as a mirror so that one could understand the present by examining the past and manage the world by narrating events in the past.
起訖頁 31-56
關鍵詞 中國歷史思維史義黃俊傑經世Chinese historical thinkingthe meanings of historyChun-chieh Huangmanaging the world
刊名 通識教育學刊  
期數 201706 (19期)
出版單位 中原大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 黃俊傑孟學研究之初探
該期刊-下一篇 永恆的鄉愁:黃俊傑教授通識教育理論淺析




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