通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201612 (18期)期所有篇 |
- 大學通識教育經典閱讀課程的成效與評量研究 The Impact and Assessment of Classics Reading Courses in General Education in Taiwan's Universities
- 遊藝生命的詠嘆調--全人理念於音樂劇場課程之實踐 Aria of Theatrical Life: Implementing Holistic Concept in Musical Theater Course
- 培養「跨文化能力」之通識教育課程設計與學習成效--以「創意日本--神話、傳說、鬼怪的文創」課程為例 A Case Study of Course Design and Learning Achievement in the General Education Curriculum on the Cultivation of Cross-Cultural Competence: "Creative Japan: Cultural Creation of Mythology, Legends, Ghosts and Monsters"
- 書評:大學該教學生追尋有意義的人生嗎?--評克朗曼《教育的目的》 Book Review: Should We Teach Students to Search for Meaning of Life in University: The Review of Education's End