英文摘要 |
The concept of holistic music education has been formed since ancient Greece. Employing concepts from the Roman philosopher Boëthius' holistic music theory, Orff’s idea of "Total Theater", and Keller & Widman's "Elemental Music Drama", the author developed a musical theater course that integrated music, language, dance and drama as a model for music education. In "Musical Theater", a general education course which applies theories in musical theater to practice, students could transform abstract knowledge into solid cognitive concepts by exploring, performing, and creating music, using music as a means for further self-expression. Through theatrical role-play, the course also enabled self-reflection in students, prompted them to further develop their characters, learn more effectively, and develop an in-depth understanding of relevant issues. Organized thematically, the curriculum followed a theme-based structure that includes a variety of activities, such as lectures from the instructor and guest speakers, singing tutorials, vocal and physical training, special projects, group discussions, field trips, in-class activities and interaction with local communities and the third sector. The first half of the course can be divided into two segments. Part One involves the study of classics in musical theater to give students the materials and inspirations for their own compositions. Part Two gave students practical skills that they can employ in their final presentations. In the second half of the semester, the course focused on the real production of an original musical. Base on the notion of Orff’s "The Elemental," the author designed a student-centered project taking individual potential and willingness into consideration, in which students could exert their specialties and cooperatively produce a comprehensive musical play. Student feedback and assessment results indicate the combination of theory and practice in the class had enabled students to achieve the desired learning outcomes and meet the course objectives. |