通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201606 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 透過科學史培養科學本質觀的科技大學通識課程研究 A Study on General Curriculum about Promoting Nature of Science through History of Science at a Technical University
- 從新住民語文教育談活絡大學東南亞通識課程的可能性 The Possibility of the New-Immigrant Language Education Improving Quality of General Courses Pertaining to Southeast Asia at Universities in Taiwan
- 公民社會倫理素養的理念與培育:以「公民倫理學」課程為例 The Idea of Cultivating Ethical Literacy in a Civil Society: Taking the Course "Civil Ethics" as an Example
- 論嵇康公私之理在當代倫理教育的回應與運用 Discussion on the Contemporary Ethics Education: Using Ji Kang's Theory of Public and Self
- 從後現代藝術教育觀點探討現代公民核心能力計畫課程統整之教學策略研究──以「西洋古典音樂欣賞」課程為例 Using Perspectives of Post-Modern Art Education to Explore the Teaching Strategies of the Curriculum Integration from the Project of the Cultivation of Modern Citizens' Core Competence -Taking the Course Appreciation of Western Classical Music as an Example
- 書評:解決之道──評札卡瑞亞《為博雅教育辯護》 Book Review: Resolving Ways: The Review of In Defense of Liberal Education