通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
200906 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 大學人文社會科學評鑑指標芻議 A Personal View of the Evaluation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education
- 融通還是斷裂?--大學通識教育發展的再省思 Integration or Fragmentation?-Reconsiderations of the Development of College General Education
- 科技與社會(STS)融入通識課程的規劃與教學實踐:以萬能科技大學“從本土環境保護意識解析科技發展下蛻變的環境價值”STS計畫為例 The Integration of STS into the Curriculum Design and the Practice of the General Education: A Case Study of the STS Project of 'the Analyses of the Changing Environmental Values of the Local Environm
- 大學專業與通識課程運用教學助理之成效與影響因素分析 An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Teaching Assistants in Core Courses and General Education Courses at College Level
- “服務學習”課程在通識教育實施之研究--以中原大學為例 A Study of the Application of 'Service-Learning' to General Education-The Case of Chung Yuan Christian University