通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201312 (12期)期所有篇 |
- 以問題解決的情境認知減緩哲學抽象性導致的學習困難 Reducing Difficulties of Learning due to Abstraction in Philosophy with Situated Cognition of Problem-Solving
- 大學生命教育的課程理念與教學實踐 The Curriculum Ideas and Teaching Practice of Life Education in the University
- 經典教育與公民素養之培育--以「經典研讀:梁啟超《新民說》」課程為例 Classic Education and Cultivation of Civic Literacy-A Case of the 'Classics Reading: Liang Ch'i-Ch'ao's Xin Min Shuo'
- 軍校性別教育的反挫:從性別角色反思「兩性營規」制度 Backlash of Gender Education in Military Schools: Reflecting upon the Military 'Gender Rules'
- 書評:《大學何價:高等教育商業化?》一書評介 Book Review: 'Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education'