通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201412 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 傳統中國歷史思維中的人文主義 Historical Thinking as Humanistic Thinking in Traditional China
- 全人教育作為通識教育的理念:臺灣14所公私立綜合大學的通識教育理念和課程規畫之研究 Holistic Education as the Idea of General Education: An Analysis of Ideas and Curriculum Design of General Education from 14 Comprehensive Universities in Taiwan
- 靈魂的事:文學教師在大學通識教育中的任務 The Soul Thing: A Task of Literature Teachers among General Education in the University
- 跨領域教學在性別教育課程之實踐 Applying Interdisciplinary Teaching to the Course of Gender Education
- 探詢孔子的生活美學並尋繹其對通識教育工作者之啟示 What Confucius's Life Aesthetics Inspire General Educators
- 專業內的通識與通識內的專業--以醫護專業倫理為例 General Education in Professional Programs and Professional Courses in General Education: An Example of Professional Ethics in Healthcare and Nursing
- 書評:瑪莎.紐斯琫《培育人文:人文教育改革的古典辯護》要義與臺灣通識教育的反思 Book Review: A Review and Critique of Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education by M. C. Nussbaum and the Reflection of General Education in Taiwan