科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine |
202204 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 科學實作轉向後的新發現 Special Issue: Introduction
- 密立根油滴實驗中數據簡化的操作融貫性 The Operational Coherence of Data Reduction in Millikan’s Oil-drop Experiment
- 模組組裝與模型整合:以現代免疫學的發現為案例 Assembling Modules and Integrating Models: A Case of Discovery from Modern Immunology
- 神經科學建模歷程的多元知識價值 Pluralistic Epistemic Values in Neuroscientific Modeling
- 初探COVID-19疫苗接種義務及疫苗護照之治理疑慮 Governance Concerns of Mandatory Vaccination and Vaccine Passports for COVID-19: A Preliminary Study
- 動員傳統:英國第一波動物捍衛運動 Review of Li, Chien-hui (2019). Mobilizing Traditions in the First Wave of the British Animal Defense Movement. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- 烏鴉的輓歌:共享世界裡的生與死 Review of van Dooren, Thom (2019). The Wake of Crows: Living and Dying in Shared Worlds. New York: Columbia University Press
- 從國族化科學到民主化科學之路:臺灣科學傳播的發展進程 From Nationalising Science to Democratising Science: The Development of Science Communication in Taiwan
- 科學有政治性嗎?臺灣光復初期(1945–1947)對於主流科學論述的挑戰與反思 Does Science Have Politics? The Challenges and Reflections Surrounding the Mainstream Discourse of Science in the Early Post-War Years of Taiwan, 1945-1947
- 科學家與新聞記者:嚴峻科學議題強化合作關係 Scientists and Journalists: Serious Scientific Issues Facilitate Science-Media Interactions
- 科學傳播:傳播甚麼科學? Science Communication: What Science Is in Communication?
- 回應與挑戰:重新檢視臺灣科學傳播之路 Response and Challenge: A Reexamination of Science Communication in Taiwan
- STS新人發聲:楊智元 Chih-Yuan YANG
- STS新人發聲:區曣中 Yin-Chung AU
- STS新人發聲:劉清耿 Ching-Keng LIU