東吳法律學報 Soochow Law Review |
201110 (23:2期)期所有篇 |
- 再論「二分」與「三分」之爭:從憲法觀點檢討職權命令的存廢問題 Dichotomy Instead of Trichotomy? On the Constitutional Basis for Non-Delegated Administrative Legislation in Taiwan
- 法國環境行政中「列管設施」之管制與監督 The Control of Classified Installations in the French Environmental Administration
- 侵害著作權的行為數認定問題 The quantity determination dilemma of copyright infringement offence
- 論責任保險人之抗辯義務——以美國發展為重心 A Study on the Liability Insurer's Duty of Defense——Focusing on the Development in the United States