文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
202405 (16:1期)期所有篇 |
- 我國公務人員考績制度應興革方向之檢視與探討 Invited Essay―Reviewing and Exploring the Direction of Reforming Taiwan’s Civil Servants’Performance Appraisal System
- 年金改革對退休選擇之影響:以臺北市公立國小教師為例 The Impact of Pension Reform on Retirement Choices: A Case Study of Public Elementary School Teachers in Taipei
- 「數位健保卡」數位創新服務之政府數位轉型初探 An Initial Exploration of Digital Government Transformation in the Context of the‘Virtual NHI Card’Healthcare Method
- 客家文化重點發展區自治或官治之分析:族群治理的觀點 Analysis of Autonomy or Appointed District Directorship in Key Development Areas of Hakka Culture: The Perspective of Ethnic Governance
- 書評--領導攻略:精進考核、績效與專業發展 Book Review―Leadership Offense: Mastering Appraisal, Performance, and Professional Development