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年金改革對退休選擇之影響:以臺北市公立國小教師為例   全文下載 全文下載
The Impact of Pension Reform on Retirement Choices: A Case Study of Public Elementary School Teachers in Taipei
作者 呂季蓉 (Chi-Jung Lu)謝宜育陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)
With the declining birthrate, aging population, and changes in the social demographic structure, the pension system faces severe challenges and has to be reformed. Many people worry that teachers will turn to postponing retirement, and young teachers will not be able to enter the field, which may lower the quality of teaching. However, will the pension reform really affect teachers’retirement decision? Of those who are qualified for retirement, under the same condition, some choose to keep working while others choose to retire.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the selection of retirement plan after the pension reform. This paper focuses on public elementary school teachers in Taipei city, conducting qualitative interviews with 30 teachers, including 15 retired teachers and 15 currently employed ones. This study compares those retired teachers and currently employed teachers who share similarities in their backgrounds. By using paired comparison method, this research aims at finding the critical factors that cause differences in decision-making on retirement plans. Factors in order of cruciality are“work,”“pension reform,”and“financial conditions.”The most crucial one is“work,”rather than“pension reform.”Based on the result, we suggest schools should improve work arrangements or workplace atmosphere to retain teachers. That should be the focus of future education policy reforms.
起訖頁 23-57
關鍵詞 年金改革延後退休退休選擇配對比較法臺北市公立國小教師pension reformpostponed retirementretirement decisionspaired comparison methodPublic Elementary School Teachers in Taipei
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202405 (16:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國公務人員考績制度應興革方向之檢視與探討
該期刊-下一篇 「數位健保卡」數位創新服務之政府數位轉型初探




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