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「數位健保卡」數位創新服務之政府數位轉型初探   全文下載 全文下載
An Initial Exploration of Digital Government Transformation in the Context of the‘Virtual NHI Card’Healthcare Method
作者 吳沛如蔣麗君
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation in governance and prompted the adoption of telemedicine. The“Virtual NHI Card”facilitated medical care for quarantined individuals, aiding disease containment. The purpose of this research is to understand the implications of telemedicine, focusing on its impact and challenges to the digital transformation of healthcare services. This preliminary research employs the method of literature review and document analysis, aiming to answer three key questions: 1.) What are the impacts of the government’s“Virtual NHI Card”policy on the promotion of digital transformation? 2.) What are the factors that influence the promotion of the“Virtual NHI Card”? 3.) What issues and challenges does the“Virtual NHI Card”pose to digital governance?
The research results indicate that the Virtual NHI Card policy has four major functions and impacts on promoting digital transformation by the government: 1) Integrating information to drive data reuse; 2) Improving the quality of public services and the efficiency of resource utilization; 3) Advancing people-centric digital technologies; 4) Promoting diverse cross-domain and cross-agency collaboration. The factors influencing the promotion of the Virtual NHI Card policy can be broadly summarized into six categories: 1) Gaps in technological infrastructure and digital skills; 2) Regulatory environment constraints on emerging technologies; 3) Support from the healthcare system; 4) Policy marketing; 5) Users’acceptance of technology; 6) Data security and trust. Furthermore, the problems and challenges faced during the implementation of the Virtual NHI Card can be summarized into three main areas: 1) The necessity of“Virtual NHI Card”; 2) The legitimacy of“Virtual NHI Card”; 3) The trust and security of“Virtual NHI Card”. Finally, this paper proposes policy recommendations to facilitate further research and identify common solutions to these issues, thereby supporting the implementation of the“Virtual NHI Card”.
起訖頁 59-90
關鍵詞 數位健保卡數位服務電子治理數位轉型智慧醫療Virtual National Health Insurance Carddigital servicesdigital governancedigital transformation,intelligent medicine
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202405 (16:1期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 年金改革對退休選擇之影響:以臺北市公立國小教師為例
該期刊-下一篇 客家文化重點發展區自治或官治之分析:族群治理的觀點




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