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客家文化重點發展區自治或官治之分析:族群治理的觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Analysis of Autonomy or Appointed District Directorship in Key Development Areas of Hakka Culture: The Perspective of Ethnic Governance
作者 王保鍵
In 2009, Taiwan amended the Local Government Act to create a path for promoting counties/cities into municipalities. When promoted as municipalities, many autonomous townships were transformed into districts led by appointed directors. To respond to the local autonomy needs of indigenous people, the Local Government Act was amended to establish‘Mountain Indigenous Districts of Special Municipalities’in 2014. In 2018, the Hakka Basic Act was amended to ensure the development of the Hakka language and culture in the‘Key Development Areas of Hakka Culture’in the townships with autonomy that are now districts under appointed directors. Aboriginal and Hakka ethnics are minorities in Taiwan. This paper develops the‘grassroots autonomy’of‘as close as possible to citizens’idea from the European Charter of Local Self-Government of the Council of Europe and‘the principle of subsidiarity’of the European Union, as well as the international standards of minority rights protection, to look at the advantages and disadvantages of appointed directorship versus autonomy of district government in municipalities in Taiwan. This paper concludes that (1) implementing local autonomy where ethnic groups concentrate is not only favorable to ethnic governance but also serves as an engine for promoting the development of ethnic rights. (2) The Key Development Areas of Hakka Culture policy, originally for autonomy but changed to the appointed district directorship, damages the Hakka governance and harms the passing on of the Hakka language and culture. To fulfill minorities' rights and to conform with the‘grassroots autonomy’of‘as close as possible to citizens’idea, the policy recommendation of this paper is that the Key Development Areas of Hakka Culture should re-adopt autonomy, giving priority to the‘Hakka language as the main regional language areas.’
起訖頁 91-123
關鍵詞 區級自治區級官治直轄市山地原住民區客家文化重點發展區township autonomyappointed district directorMountain Indigenous Districts of Special MunicipalitiesKey Development Areas of Hakka Culture
刊名 文官制度  
期數 202405 (16:1期)
出版單位 考試院
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該期刊-下一篇 書評--領導攻略:精進考核、績效與專業發展




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