中正台灣文學與文化研究 Chung Cheng Journal of Taiwan Literature and Cultural Studies |
202306 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 公園、車上、小吃店:台灣文學中移民工的空間與性別觀點 In the Park, Car, and Food Stands: New Immigrants/Migrants Workers in Taiwan Literature: Focus on Space and Gender
- 朱和之《樂土》中森丑之助的形象再現與知識系譜 The Representation of Mori Ushinosuke and Knowledge Genealogy in Zhu Hezhi's 'Paradise'
- 日治時期《臺灣俳句集》的殖民視野 Colonial Perspectives in the Taiwanese Haiku Collection during the Japanese Ruled Period
- 酬鬼競豪奢:日治時期《詩報》中盂蘭盆詩作初探 Rewarding Ghosts and Competing Extravagance: A Preliminary Study of Ullambana Poetry during the Japanese Colonial Period From ''Poetry News''
- 論易智言《行動代號:孫中山》的青少年成長影像 Imagination of Poverty: Representing the Growth Experience in Youth in Chin-yen Yee’s Film Meeting Dr. Sun