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The Representation of Mori Ushinosuke and Knowledge Genealogy in Zhu Hezhi's 'Paradise'
作者 許明智
Japanese anthropologist Mori Ushinosuke became a common character in the modern works of writers due to the translation of historical materials after the lifting of martial law. This article takes Zhu Hezhi's 2016 novel ''Paradise'' as the research object to explore what kind of image Mori Ushinosuke presents in the novel and how Zhu Hezhi reproduces it through what kind of knowledge genealogy. This article points out that Mori Ushinosuke is both an anthropologist who ''understands the indigenous peoples'' and ''a collaborator of the Governor's Office's Policy'', presenting a complex image in Zhu Hezhi's work. Then, after comparing with Yang Nanjun's translated survey report ''Shengfan Xingjiao'', it can be found that Zhu Hezhi not only has some choices in historical materials, but also blends his field investigation experience, and then in the reculturation of historical materials and the knowledge genealogy, Mori Ushinosuke has become a symbol with critical perspectives from a historical figure. Through the analysis of ''Paradise'', this article hopes to reflect how contemporary writers face the anthropological knowledge system left over from the Japanese rule period and transform it into a writing resource for contemporary literature.
起訖頁 24-43
關鍵詞 朱和之森丑之助再現史料轉譯田野調查Zhu HezhiMori Ushinosukerepresentationreculturation of historical materialsfield investigation
刊名 中正台灣文學與文化研究  
期數 202306 (3期)
出版單位 國立中正大學台灣文學與創意應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 公園、車上、小吃店:台灣文學中移民工的空間與性別觀點
該期刊-下一篇 日治時期《臺灣俳句集》的殖民視野




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