201006 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 《泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌》與《祖堂集》 “New Eulogies of the Patriarchs, written by the Chan master of Qianfo temple in Quanzhou” and “Patriarch's Hall Collection”, An Appendix of Quanzhou's Geography Concerning Wenten
- 「中央-四方」空間模型:五營信仰的營衛與境域觀 A Cosmic Model of “One Center, Four Regions”: The Concepts of Defense in the Worship of Five Camps Soldiers
- 宋代「詩詞辨體」之論述衝突所顯示詞體構成的社會文化性流變現象 The Changing Properties of the Formation of Chi and Its Social/Cultural Significance Revealed in the Conflict Arising from the Discourse Concerning the Differentiation of Poetry and Chi in Song Dynasty
- 夢鎖泉漳兩岸情:試論李昂《七世姻緣》的跨地情愛書寫 On Love Across the Strait in Li Ang’s Love for Seven Transmigrated Lives
- 圖像、敘事、讀者反應:論李漁的〈譚楚玉〉與《比目魚》 Illustration, Narration and Reader’s Response: Li Yu’s Adaptation from Tan Chuyu to Bimuyu
- 一部清代文人的生命圖史:《卞永譽畫像》的觀看 An Illustrated Biography of an Educated Elite in the Qing Dynasty: Watching “Portraits of Bian Yong-yu”
- 肖像.家族.認同:從禹之鼎〈白描王原祁像〉軸談起 Portrait • Family • Identity: Speaking of the Scroll Painting of “the Portrait of Wang Yuanqi in Line Drawing” by Yu Zhiding
- 近世中國繡像小說圖文關係序說:以所見幾種元明通俗小說刊本為例 Introduction of Relationships between Images and Texts in Illustrated Fictions from Late Imperial China: Cases of Yuan and Ming Publications
- 哈佛燕圖稀見明刻本《全像新鐫一見賞心編》之編纂、作者及其插圖解題 Resolving Some Questions Concerning the Editing and Authorship of, and Illustrations in, a Rare Ming Dynasty Printed Edition of Completely Illustrated and Newly Printed Beautiful Sight Collection, Held in the Harvard-Yenching Library
- 附錄一:題畫文學知見續錄(2000-2010)
- 附錄二:「『文本.觀看』於漢學界的研究前瞻」座談會實錄