200912 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 嚴嵩‧王世貞‧《金瓶梅》 Yan Song, Wang Shi-zhen, and The Plum in the Golden Vase
- 理學論述的「自然」概念 The Notion of “Nature” in Neo-Confucianism Discourse
- 文本與觀看:近年來英語漢學界對視覺與文本關係之研究 Text and Visuality: Recent English-Language Scholarship on the Relationship Between Text, Viewing and Visuality in Pre-Modern China
- 戰後日本文人畫與題畫詩之研究進路探析(1949-2009) The Research Approach on Japanese Literati Paintings and the Poems for the Paintings after War Two (1949-2009)
- 個人記憶.家國敘事:紀錄片《銀簪子》、《山有多高》的影像詮釋與意義論述 Personal Memory /Nationalistic Narrative: The Interpreting in the Silver Hairpins and How High is the Mountain
- 台灣言情敘事與電影改編之空間再現:以六○至八○年代文化場域為主 The Representation of Space in Taiwan Romance Narrative and Film Adaptation –Emphasis on the 1960~1980s Cultural Field
- 流動視域,詩性之海:廖鴻基「討海人」寫作中的歸家之路 Mobile Vision, Poetic Ocean ── Homecoming in the Writing of “Fishermen” by Liao Hong-Ji
- 詞人與美女:宋元明詞人對美人畫的觀看和題詠 The Ci-poet and the Beauty: The Ci-poet’Inscriptions on the Beauty Painting in Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties