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Mobile Vision, Poetic Ocean ── Homecoming in the Writing of “Fishermen” by Liao Hong-Ji
作者 蕭義玲
Having distinguished himself from general secular fishermen, Liao Hong-Ji, as an ocean thinker, gets involved in the ocean based on the existential concern. Therefore, the course of being from fishermen to harpoon man of harpoon boat or from casting net to shooting harpoon is as if it passes through the threshold established based on the ocean, and it feels like searching for a vivid and profound self-understanding and expression. All of fishermen’s fishing efforts become the fight for life of stagnation and predicament on land, as only striding over the thresholds of ocean and harmonizing into/returning to her bosom step by step to become a fish can this precious fish, self, be retrieved in the posture of “Becoming the fishermen of a fish.” For fishermen, fishing vessels with their sails set into ocean as if the physical body sets sail on the sea. Billows, whirlpool, deep sea trench and undercurrent are metaphors of existence, i.e. the battlefield. For Liao Hong-Ji, “fight” embodies the essence and practice of fishermen, as it is one journey of fighting life to break through the barriers of “being unable to harmonizing into the ocean/being unable to be a fish/being unable to be yourself.” Such journey harmonizing into the ocean with “fight” signifies a course of reconnection with the origin of life, the course of rediscovering man’s position in the world and the entire cosmos, as it means circulation of vision, the extrication of predicament of life, and the critical point of transformation of death and rebirth that means helping life recover to circulating healing, homecoming.
起訖頁 165-196
關鍵詞 廖鴻基討海人自然書寫自然寫作海洋文學家園存在觀看Lioa Hong-Jifishermannatural writing/writinghealinghomelandexistenceview
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 200912 (14期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣言情敘事與電影改編之空間再現:以六○至八○年代文化場域為主
該期刊-下一篇 詞人與美女:宋元明詞人對美人畫的觀看和題詠




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