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The Research Approach on Japanese Literati Paintings and the Poems for the Paintings after War Two (1949-2009) |
作者 |
金培懿 |
中文摘要 |
本文將戰後六十年間,日本學界研究日本文人畫、題畫詩之單篇論文作一整理,說明戰後日本文人畫與題畫詩研究的發展進路,按時間先後之發展進程,基本可以劃分為九個階段,其中又有三次重要的研究分水嶺。而由戰後日本文人畫、題畫詩研究議題的開展與進路發展看來,基本上可以歸納出三個文人畫研究的本質性議題,亦即:何謂文人?何謂文人畫?文人畫的研究與觀看如何可能?針對此三大議題,本文首先指出:21世紀的當代日本藝術對文人畫畫家的「文人」身分定義就在:對「人」的終極關懷。繼而說明:文人畫必須是屬於「心靈」、「心性」的一種「氣韻」、「神韻」,所以其當然是「人本」的。至於屬於「眼目」、「感官」的「技藝」與「情趣」,當然可藉由大腦思考判斷,進而以眼目「看」之。然屬於「心靈」、「心性」的「氣韻」、「神韻」,則必須以生命直覺「觀」之。此兩條「觀」、「看」的相異進路,既是鑑賞文人畫的差異所在,又何嘗不是研究文人畫的差異所在。本文最後則提出:文人畫的觀看與研究,或許不是只將「詩意」帶入畫中,還在藉由「觀」畫家之「情」衷這一看法,來接續點點「詩意視點」,以獲得一種更超越的「觀看」途徑,使鑒畫者與運筆者交感共鳴,達成情感和意識覺醒狀態下,生命自在和諧律動的暢快「流線」韻律感,以為其生活文化之主旋律,體現其生命之本意。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper collected the papers about Japanese literati paintings and the poems for the paintings in Japan to explain that there are nine stages and three divides of the research approach of them. There are three essential topic about the research approach on Japanese literati paintings and the poems for the paintings after War Two: What is “literati”? What are literati paintings? What is the possibility of researching the literati paintings? In 21th century, the definition of literati in modern Japanese art is the ultimate concern of human being. The literati paintings are verve belongs to mind, therefore they are humanistic. The skill and interest belong to sense organ can be viewed by eyes and brain, but the verve belongs to mind should be viewed by intuition. These two different approaches are not only the difference of appreciation but also of researching on the literati painting. The viewing and researching on the literati paintings may not only bring the poetry into the painting but also connect the poetic viewpoint to get a transcendental approach of viewing and to make the rhythmical of life. |
起訖頁 |
69-109 |
關鍵詞 |
文人畫、題畫詩、氣韻、詩意、觀看、literati paintings、the poems for the paintings、verve、poetry、view |
刊名 |
中正大學中文學術年刊 |
期數 |
200912 (14期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
文本與觀看:近年來英語漢學界對視覺與文本關係之研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
個人記憶.家國敘事:紀錄片《銀簪子》、《山有多高》的影像詮釋與意義論述 |