201112 (18期)期所有篇 |
- 從朱子對《太極圖說》及《通書》的詮釋論其「理」的活動性 On the Activity of the Principles (Li) in Chu Hsi's Interpretation of T'ung-Shu and an Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate
- 《二十四詩品》的生態學詮釋 An Ecological Interpretation of Twenty-Four Grades of Poetry
- 明代前中期詩壇尊杜觀念的變遷及其文學取向 View Change and Literature Trend of Respect Du Fu in Poetry of the Ming Dynasty Prometaphase
- 舊事風流說南唐:吳梅村《秣陵春》的歷史隱喻與古玩懷舊 Historical Metaphors and the Nostalgic Turn of Antique Connoisseurship in Wu Mei-Cun's Play ''Moling Chun''
- 魏裔介之文學活動與文學思想析論 On Literary Activities and Thought of Wei Yi-jie
- 三國時代支謙詞彙的時空特色 The Time and Regional Characteristic of Zhiqian Language in Sanguo period
- 利用「翻版」研究中古漢語演變:以《道行般若經》「異譯」與《九色鹿經》為例 A Study of the Evolution of Middle Chinese Using ''Modified Versions'': Case Studies of the ''Tao-hsing Pan-jo Ching'' and Its Later Modifications and the ''Chiu-se-lu Ching''
- 唐朝僧侶往來安南的傳法活動之研究 Propagating Activities in the Monks of Tang Dynasty & Annan
- 僧肇的至人觀及其修學歷程 Concept of Perfect Person (zhiren) from Seng-Zhao and His Exploration on the Practice of Buddhism
- 永明延壽的修行析論:以有關朝暮二課的陀羅尼為主 The Analysis of the Daily Practice of a Buddhist Yong-Ming Yian-Shou Particularly in Dawn and Evening Practices in the Case of Dharani
- 《高僧傳》中前世今生「畢宿對」的敘事模式與意涵 Karma and Rebirth in the ''Gaoseng Zhuan''
- 歡喜心,游戲筆:李漁「游戲神通」的理念內涵與精神內蘊 Happy Heart, Playful Pen: The Contents of Li-Yu's Concept of ''Yiu Shi Sheng Tong'' and Its Spiritual Cultivation