202212 (93:4期)期所有篇 |
- 新見簡牘與秦至西漢早期的傅籍制度 Newly Discovered Bamboo and Wooden Slips and the System of Registration (Fuji 傅籍) in the Qin and Early Han Dynasties
- 東漢繆宇墓題記「彭城相行長史事呂守長」疏證 Textual Research on the Official Title of Miao Yu: With Focus on the Stone Inscriptions inside His Tomb from the Later Han Dynasty
- 竹林、飛瀑與巖窟——「大德寺五百羅漢圖」中的聖寺與羅漢洞 Bamboo Groves, Waterfalls and Mountain Caves — Sacred Monasteries and Arhat Caves as Portrayed in the “Painting of the Five Hundred Arhats at the Monastery of Immense Virtue”
- 清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動(1723-1733)——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心 The Political and Religious Interaction between the Qing Empire and Khalkha Mongolia, 1723–1733: The Selection of the Second Jebtsundamba and His Ordered Move to Dolon Nor