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Textual Research on the Official Title of Miao Yu: With Focus on the Stone Inscriptions inside His Tomb from the Later Han Dynasty
作者 鄒水杰
The contents of the stone inscriptions inside the tomb of Miao Yu 繆宇from the Later Han dynasty record that he held the post of “acting magistrate of Lü county in the service of the assistant officer of the princedom minister of Pengcheng” (Pengcheng xiang xingzhangshishi Lü shouzhang 彭城相行長史事呂守長), a title which has been understood with divided opinions by academia. Compared with seven similar contemporary documents, an analysis shows that he was a lesser official of the princedom, and the minister appointed him as acting magistrate to hold the official seal of Lü county (indicated by Lü shouzhang within the title) as well as carrying out the duties of the assistant officer (indicated by xingzhangshishi). In this way, it was not two official positions of different levels but rather two sides of one official title. The tombs of Miao Yu 繆宇and Miao Yu 繆紆, which are located at the same burial site and were erected at almost the same time, show that both figures were of the same clan, were lesser officials of the princedom, and were acting magistrates—albeit of different counties. The present research demonstrates that the Miao clan was a large family that wielded significant influence in Pengcheng. Moreover, they maintained favorable relationships with local authorities, thereby being heavily relied upon by the minister of the princedom in regards to governance. The relationship between senior and lesser officials thus reinforced each other, which shows one mode of governing in the mid- to late Later Han dynasty.
起訖頁 729-759
關鍵詞 繆宇墓題記彭城相行長史事呂守長郡吏大姓士族stone inscriptions inside the tomb of Miao YuPengcheng xiang xingzhangshishi Lü shouzhanglesser officialsinfluential local family
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202212 (93:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 新見簡牘與秦至西漢早期的傅籍制度
該期刊-下一篇 竹林、飛瀑與巖窟——「大德寺五百羅漢圖」中的聖寺與羅漢洞




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