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Bamboo Groves, Waterfalls and Mountain Caves — Sacred Monasteries and Arhat Caves as Portrayed in the “Painting of the Five Hundred Arhats at the Monastery of Immense Virtue”
作者 劉淑芬 (Shu-Fen Liu)
This article considers the significance of the “Painting of the Five Hundred Arhats at the Monastery of Immense Virtue” from two perspectives. The first concerns legends about sacred monasteries dating back to the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420). In the “Painting,” which consists of 100 scenes, there are six themes that constantly appear: mountain crags, caves, cloud formations, waterfalls, bamboo groves, and an exquisite monastery situated inside a cave. All of these themes were influenced by legends that spread beginning during the Eastern Jin that described such sites as “sacred monasteries” (shengsi 聖寺). The second treats the formation of arhat cults, using five stele inscriptions dating to the Five Dynasties (907-960) and Song dynasty (960-1279) to describe how people would worship arhats in mountain caves containing Buddhist monasteries, practices portrayed in 10 scenes from the “Painting.” By the Song dynasty, people would build artificial caves in cities or plains areas and worship arhats there. In addition, this article examines scenes in the “Painting” that show eminent monks visiting arhat caves as well as their experiences with vegetarian meals, drinking tea, and scripture chanting. One other issue explored in this article is portrayals of youths (tongzi 童子) and barbarian slaves (mannu 蠻奴).
起訖頁 761-877
關鍵詞 大德寺五百羅漢圖聖寺羅漢洞蠻奴Monastery of Immense VirtuePainting of the Five Hundred Arhatssacred monasteriesarhat cavesbarbarian slaves
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202212 (93:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 東漢繆宇墓題記「彭城相行長史事呂守長」疏證
該期刊-下一篇 清朝與喀爾喀蒙古的政教互動(1723-1733)——以二世哲布尊丹巴靈童選定及其遷居多倫諾爾為中心




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