東亞觀念史集刊 Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia |
202109 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 「歷史記憶與概念傳播」專題引言 Introduction to “Historical Memories and the Dissemination of Concept"
- 易代「異托邦」──重探陳去病的明清書寫 “Heterotopia" at the Time of Dynasty Change: Reinterpretation to the Ming and Qing History Written by Chen Qubing
- 形塑經典:近現代「四大奇書」概念的傳播 The Shaping of the Canon: The Concept of “The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel” in Modern China
- 排華運動下澳洲華人的「痛史」記憶、「華僑」想像與情感實踐 "Beyond “Victimization”: Historical Memory, Nationhood Imagination and Affective Practices by Chinese Australians in the Era of the Chinese Exclusion Movement"
- 戰爭與華教:作為「記憶之場」的檳城鍾靈中學師生殉難事件 The War and Chinese Education: The Martyrdom of the Teachers and Students of Penang Chung Ling High School as a “Field of Memory”
- 感官隱喻、感覺結構與集體記憶:以毛澤東時代的政治語言為例 "Olfactory Metaphor, Structure of Feeling, and Collective Memory: The Politics of Language in Mao’s Revolution"
- 「戰爭」自遠方來:論晚清戰爭小說的譯介流動和風格樣態 “War” from Abroad: Translation Movement and the Styles of War Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty
- 演述非洲,言說中國:晚清作者筆下的異域形象與自我投射 "Narration of Africa, Speech of China: The Exotic Image and Self-Refl
ection under the Writings of Authors in Late Qing Dynasty"
- 「青年」與僧詩體式的轉型 “New Youth” and the Transformation of Buddhist Priest’s Poetry
- 中日近代同形詞「壓榨」、「榨取」:詞源及意義變遷 Modern Chinese-Japanese Isomorphous Words Yazha 壓榨 and Zhaqu 榨取 : Etymology and Semantic Changes
- 近現代「慈善」新詞考源 A Study of the Origin of the Term “Charity”(慈善)
- 「2021臺灣與東亞的文本.圖像.視聽文化國際學術論壇」會議綜述 "Proceedings of the “2021 Text, Image and Audiovisual Culture of Taiwan and East Asia” International Conference"