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“War” from Abroad: Translation Movement and the Styles of War Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 朱芯儀
"晚清中國動亂頻仍,然文學改革活動極為蓬勃,「戰爭」議題的小說數量繁多。中國譯者向西方、日本取經,譯介相關的域外小說,渴望「他山之石,可以攻錯」。本文聚焦晚清譯介戰爭小說,原著來自雨果(Victor Hugo,1802-1885)、莫泊桑(Henry RenéAlbert Guy de Maupassant,1850-1893)及托爾斯泰(ЛевНиколаевичТолстой,1828-1910)等世界文豪,其作品由不同譯者翻譯,如陳景韓(1878-1965)、楊與齡(1875-1953)、王國維(1877-1927)等譯為中文。內容關注少年從軍、軍事教育與反思戰爭等議題,反映近代中國對世代傳承、政治改革與國族困境之焦慮。譯者翻譯策略折射自身生命、境遇、思想、立場,甚至不囿「保家救國」框架,展現超然文學審美,獨樹一幟。 筆者將分析下列文本:首先為1903年刊載於《浙江潮》的《少年軍》系列小說,其鼓勵「少年」從軍,勇於承擔國家重任,顯露晚清「老大」、「少年」的世代差異。再者為經歷多次重譯,轉向專業的教戰風格,刊登於《南洋兵事雜誌》的《義勇軍》。最後則是1905年刊登於《教育世界》的《枕戈記》,譯作保留原著者的文學特色和人道理念,細膩描繪戰場苦旅和景物風光。筆者探討上述文本,挖掘晚清時期,雜揉語言譯介、譯者思維、政治取向與美學考量下,多元且深刻的文藝特色。"
"In the late Qing Dynasty, there were many wars in China. Literary reform activities were flourishing. The number of novels on the subject of “war” was enormous. Chinese interpreters translated related novels from the West and Japan. This article focuses on the translation of war novels in the late Qing Dynasty. The originals came from Victor Hugo (1802-1885), Henry René Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) and Leo Tolstoy (Лев Николаевич Толстой, 1828-1910). Their works were translated by various translators, such as Chen Jinghan (1878-1965), Yang Weiling (1875-1953), and Wang Guowei (1877-1927). Theses novels were concerned with a young man’s military service, military education and a reflection on war. It echoes the anxiety of modern China about the inheritance of generations, political reform and national dilemma."
起訖頁 251-307
關鍵詞 晚清小說譯介陳景韓楊與齡王國維Late QingtranslationChen JinghanYang WeilingWang Guowei
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 202109 (19期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 感官隱喻、感覺結構與集體記憶:以毛澤東時代的政治語言為例
該期刊-下一篇 演述非洲,言說中國:晚清作者筆下的異域形象與自我投射




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