東亞觀念史集刊 Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia |
201906 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 重構「五四」:傳播、宣傳與國際行動者的作用 "Reconstructing “May Fourth”: The Role of Communication, Propaganda, and International Actors"
- 專題引言:作為方法的「五四」 Introduction to “May Fourth as a Methodology”
- 文藝復興還是啟蒙運動?--對胡適「中國的文藝復興」思想的再評價 Renaissance or Enlightenment?: Re-evaluating Hu Shih’s Concept of “The Chinese Renaissance”
- 科學的一元宗教,還是以科學代宗教?--論陳獨秀對海克爾學說的接受與轉化 "A Scientific Religion, or Replacing Religion by Science: Chen Duxiu’s Reception and Transformation of Ernst Haeckel’s Thoughts"
- 「奴隸」、「奴才」與「奴隸性」--重讀《阿Q正傳》 "Slave, Lackey and Slave-like Mentality: Rereading The True Story of Ah Q"
- 審美觀‧觀念行動‧跨文化闡釋:碑學脈絡中的周作人 "Aesthetics, Action, Interpretation: Zhou Zuoren in the Genealogy of the Tablet School"
- 五四在香港的百年發展 May Fourth in Hong Kong: A Centennial Retrospection
- 反專制運動中內含的專制因素:安那其視角下的五四新文化 Despotism Factors in Anti-despotism Movement: Research on New Culture Movement during the May Fourth Period from an Anarchistic Perspective
- 青年也發聲:「長時段及東亞歷史視野中的『五‧四』百年紀念研討會」 Millennials Also Speak Out: Summary to the Seminar on One Hundred Years Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement From the Perspective of Long-term and East-Asian History
- 百年回顧--2019年北京紀念五四國際學術研討會概述 Centennial Review: Proceedings of International Academic Conference of “Memorial May Fourth” in Beijing 2019