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May Fourth in Hong Kong: A Centennial Retrospection
作者 陳學然
"Memory is fluid and selective. In this essay, I examine the complex process by which the memory of May Fourth was absorbed, appropriated, and reconstituted in local discourses. Even though the historical events were the same, the local remembrances of May Fourth varied from place to place because of local needs. A case in point is the May Fourth memory in Hong Kong. Over the last hundred years, the May Fourth—meaning both the political protest in 1919 and the cultural renaissance from 1917 to 1927—had been remembered in different ways depending on who was remembering, what was remembered, and how the memory was presented. In comparing these different remembrances of May Fourth, I highlight the complexity in Hong Kong society. As different groups of the educated elite relocated to Hong Kong from mainland China, they evoked different images of May Fourth to define their roles in their adopted city. Some saw themselves as migrants in transit; some as protectors of the Chinese culture when iconoclasm took root in mainland; some as advocates of democratization and confrontational politics similar to the protesters in 1919. Whatever roles they might assume, they remembered the May Fourth to express their visions of China, their identities in local community, and above all, their goals in life."
起訖頁 185-230
關鍵詞 國家的五四地方的五四香港時空差異在地化發展national May Fourthlocal May FourthHong Kongtimespace differencelocalization
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 201906 (16期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 審美觀‧觀念行動‧跨文化闡釋:碑學脈絡中的周作人
該期刊-下一篇 反專制運動中內含的專制因素:安那其視角下的五四新文化




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